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How Do You Break 80 In Golf?

Time: 03 May 2024 17:11 /

How Do You Break 80 In Golf?

If you're a golfer, you know that breaking 80 is a major milestone. It's a score that separates the good golfers from the great golfers. And while it may seem like an impossible task, it's actually achievable with the right practice and dedication.

In this article, we'll share some tips on how to break 80 in golf. We'll cover everything from course management to shot selection to putting. So if you're ready to take your golf game to the next level, read on!

Hit the ball consistently well

One of the most important things you can do to improve your golf game is to hit the ball consistently well. This means being able to hit the ball with the same amount of power and accuracy every time you swing. To do this, you need to have a good swing technique and be able to control your body and the club properly.

There are a few key things you can focus on to improve your swing technique. First, make sure you have a good grip on the club. Your hands should be positioned so that your thumbs are pointing down the shaft of the club and your fingers are wrapped around the grip. Second, make sure you have a good stance. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your knees should be slightly bent. Third, make sure you have a good backswing. Your backswing should be smooth and controlled, and your club should be parallel to the ground at the top of your swing.

Once you have a good swing technique, you need to be able to control your body and the club properly. This means being able to keep your head down and your body in balance. It also means being able to swing the club smoothly and rhythmically.

If you can hit the ball consistently well, you will be well on your way to breaking 80. Consistency is key in golf, and it will help you to shoot lower scores over time.

Hit greens in regulation

Hitting greens in regulation is a key to breaking 80 in golf. It means that you are hitting the green on your approach shot, which gives you a good chance to make a birdie or par. There are a few things you can do to improve your chances of hitting greens in regulation:

1. Choose the right club for your approach shot. This will depend on the distance to the green, the wind conditions, and the slope of the green.

2. Make a good swing. This means having a good setup, a good backswing, and a good downswing. If you have a good swing, you will be more likely to hit the ball solid and send it towards the green.

3. Focus on your target. When you are making your approach shot, focus on the flag on the green. This will help you hit the ball in the right direction.

If you can consistently hit greens in regulation, you will be well on your way to breaking 80 in golf.

Make putts

Putting is often the difference between a good round and a bad round. If you want to break 80, you need to be able to make putts from all over the green. This means practicing your putting stroke and learning how to read the greens. You should also putt in a variety of conditions, such as uphill, downhill, and sidehill putts. The more you practice, the more confident you will be on the greens.

One of the most important things to remember when putting is to keep your head down and your eyes focused on the ball. This will help you to maintain a consistent stroke and make a smooth putting motion. You should also try to keep your body relaxed and your shoulders loose. This will help you to avoid any tension in your swing and make it easier to make a good putt.

Another important tip for putting is to choose the right line. This means taking into account the slope of the green and the wind. You should also try to avoid hitting the ball too hard or too softly. The ideal speed for a putt is one that will allow the ball to roll into the hole without any hesitation.

Finally, it is important to remember that putting is a mental game as well as a physical game. If you are not confident in your putting stroke, it is likely that you will miss putts. Try to stay positive and focus on making the next putt. The more confidence you have, the more likely you are to make putts and break 80.

Manage your game

Manage your game

Managing your game is essential for breaking 80 in golf. It involves making smart decisions about course management, club selection, and shot execution. This means playing the course as it lies, avoiding unnecessary risks, and taking advantage of scoring opportunities. By managing your game effectively, you can minimize mistakes and maximize your chances of shooting low scores.

To effectively manage your game, you need to have a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. This will help you make better decisions about which shots to play and how to avoid trouble. You should also be aware of the course conditions and how they may affect your play. By taking all of these factors into account, you can develop a game plan that will help you achieve your goal of breaking 80.

Practice regularly

To achieve a score under 80 consistently, you need to make practicing regularly a priority. Set aside dedicated time for practice, even if it’s just for 30 minutes, and focus on improving your swing, putting, and chipping. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will become on the golf course. This will lead to better shot selection, more accurate shots, and lower scores.

Consistency in practice is key. Try to practice at least three times per week, and make sure to focus on all aspects of the game. Don’t just hit balls on the driving range; also practice putting, chipping, and bunker shots. If you can, get a lesson from a PGA professional to help you improve your technique and identify areas for improvement. With regular practice, dedication, and the right mindset, you can break 80 in golf and take your game to the next level.

Play smart golf

Play smart golf may sound like a vague concept. The key to playing smart golf is to always be thinking about your next shot and how it fits into your overall strategy. This means taking into account the wind, the hazards, and the length of the hole. It also means being aware of your own strengths and weaknesses and playing to them. If you can learn to play smart golf, you'll be well on your way to consistently breaking 80.

One of the most important aspects of playing smart golf is course management. This means making decisions about which clubs to hit, where to aim your shots, and how to avoid hazards. Course management is a complex skill that takes time and practice to develop. But if you can master it, you'll be able to shave strokes off your score.

Another important aspect of playing smart golf is mental toughness. This means being able to stay focused and positive, even when things don't go your way. Mental toughness is essential for any golfer who wants to break 80. If you can learn to control your emotions and stay focused on your game, you'll be well on your way to achieving your goals.

If you're serious about breaking 80, you need to be willing to put in the time and effort to learn how to play smart golf. There are no shortcuts to success. But if you're willing to work hard and learn from your mistakes, you can achieve your goals.

Get lessons from a qualified golf professional

If you're serious about breaking 80, one of the best things you can do is get lessons from a qualified golf professional. A good golf instructor can help you improve your swing, your course management, and your overall game. They can also help you identify your weaknesses and work on improving them.

When choosing a golf instructor, it's important to find someone who is qualified and experienced. You should also make sure that you like the instructor's teaching style and that you feel comfortable working with them. Once you've found a good instructor, be sure to stick with them and follow their advice. It will take time and practice, but with the right instruction, you can break 80 and shoot lower scores.

In addition to taking lessons, there are a number of other things you can do to improve your golf game. These include practicing regularly, playing on different courses, and watching instructional videos. But if you're really serious about breaking 80, getting lessons from a qualified golf professional is the best way to improve your game.

Have a positive attitude

Having a positive attitude is key to success in any endeavor, and golf is no exception. When you have a positive attitude, you are more likely to stay focused and motivated, even when things are not going your way. You are also more likely to see the good in your game, even when you make a mistake. A positive attitude can make all the difference between shooting an 80 and shooting a 90.

There are many things you can do to develop a positive attitude on the golf course. First, focus on the present moment. Don't dwell on your past mistakes or worry about the future. Just focus on the shot you are about to hit and give it your best effort. Second, be grateful for the opportunity to play the game. Golf is a great game, and it is a privilege to be able to play it. Be thankful for the time you have on the course and enjoy the experience.

Third, be kind to yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, so don't be too hard on yourself when you make one. Just learn from your mistakes and move on. Finally, remember that golf is a game, and it is supposed to be fun. Don't take yourself too seriously and enjoy the experience.

If you can develop a positive attitude on the golf course, you will be well on your way to breaking 80. A positive attitude will help you stay focused, motivated, and resilient, even when things are not going your way. So next time you are on the course, remember to have a positive attitude and see how it affects your game.

Don't give up

The greatest golfers in history all have one thing in common - they never gave up. No matter how many times they missed a shot or lost a tournament, they always kept fighting. They knew that if they gave up, they would never achieve their goals. So if you're ever feeling like giving up on your golf game, just remember that the greatest players in the world never did.

The game of golf is full of challenges. There will be times when you hit the ball poorly, miss putts, and lose tournaments. But if you give up, you'll never know what you could have accomplished. So never give up on your dreams, no matter how difficult things may seem.

If you want to break 80 in golf, you need to have a positive attitude. You need to believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. And you need to be willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to reach your goals. So don't give up on yourself. Keep fighting, and you will eventually achieve your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I develop a consistent swing?

To develop a consistent swing, you must practice regularly and focus on the fundamentals. Work on your grip, stance, and swing path, and don't be afraid to get feedback from a qualified instructor.

What is the best way to improve my putting?

To improve your putting, practice regularly on a putting green. Focus on developing a smooth stroke and learning how to read the greens. You should also use a variety of putting drills to improve your accuracy and distance control.

How can I improve my mental game?

To improve your mental game, focus on staying positive and confident on the course. Learn how to manage your emotions and stay focused on your goals. You should also visualize yourself playing well and set realistic expectations for yourself.

How will proper course management help me?

Proper course management involves making smart decisions about where to hit your shots and how to play the course. Learning how to manage the course will help you avoid trouble and make the most of your opportunities to score.


Breaking 80 in golf requires effective strategy and consistent execution. It involves maintaining focus, managing the course, and improving accuracy on all aspects of the game, including driving, approach shots, putting, and short game. By following these guidelines, golfers can lower their scores and enjoy greater success on the course.

To summarize, breaking 80 in golf demands a well-rounded approach. Golfers should strive to improve their overall game, emphasizing accuracy, course management, and mental resilience. With dedication and practice, golfers can achieve this milestone and elevate their performance on the golf course.

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