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How Do You Hit A Draw In Golf

Time: 20 Jul 2024 17:27 /

How Do You Hit A Draw In Golf

Hitting a draw, also known as a fade, is a technique in golf that causes the ball to curve in the air and land to the right of the target for a right-handed golfer (or left for a left-handed golfer).

This technique is often used to control the ball's trajectory, shape the shot around obstacles, or hit the ball a longer distance. To hit a draw, the golfer must strike the ball with an outside-in swing path and an open clubface.

Why you should hit a draw

Drawing the ball is a great way to improve your golf game. It can help you to hit the ball longer and straighter, and it can also make it easier to control your shots. If you're not sure how to draw the ball, don't worry - it's not as difficult as it looks.

To draw the ball, you need to start by setting up correctly. Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart and that your weight is evenly distributed. Your hands should be on the club in a neutral position, and your head should be down.

Once you're set up, you need to make a smooth, fluid swing. The key is to keep your head down and your body in motion. As you swing through the ball, make sure to release the club at the bottom of the swing. This will help to create the draw.

What causes a draw

A draw in golf is caused by a combination of factors, including club selection, swing path, and ball position. When a golfer hits a draw, the ball starts out moving in a straight line, but then curves towards the target as it flies through the air. This is because the clubface is slightly open at impact, causing the ball to spin to the right (for a right-handed golfer). The amount of draw will vary depending on the amount of clubface rotation and the speed of the swing.

The swing path also plays a role in determining the amount of draw. A swing path that is inside-out will produce more draw than a swing path that is outside-in. This is because an inside-out swing path causes the clubface to be more open at impact. Finally, the ball position can also affect the amount of draw. A ball that is positioned forward in the stance will produce more draw than a ball that is positioned back in the stance. This is because a ball that is positioned forward in the stance will cause the clubface to be more open at impact.

By understanding the factors that cause a draw, golfers can learn to control the amount of draw they hit. This can be helpful in hitting the ball to specific targets or in playing around obstacles on the course.

How to set up for a draw

The first step is to set up properly. This means addressing the ball with your feet, hips, and shoulders aligned slightly left of the target. Additionally, use a driver or fairway wood with a loft between 10-13 degrees.

Make sure your grip is strong and stable. Position the clubface square to the target with a slight draw bias. A draw bias is achieved by rotating the clubface closed relative to the club path. To check this, place a tee next to the ball, parallel to the target line. The clubface should make contact with the tee before the ball.

When taking your stance, align yourself with the target and slightly open your stance. This means that your left foot should be slightly behind your right foot and your hips should be rotated slightly to the left. Your weight should be evenly distributed between both feet and your knees should be slightly flexed.

Finally, swing smoothly and accelerate through the ball. Make sure to follow through with your swing after hitting the ball. This will help to create a draw spin on the ball and send it curving towards the target.

How to swing for a draw

How to swing for a draw

Grip the club with your left hand slightly open, and your right hand neutral. This will encourage a slight in-to-out swing path which is the key to hitting a draw.

Use a club that is designed to help you draw the ball. Irons with a slightly closed face will help you get the ball moving from right to left. You should also use a club with a lot of loft, as this will help to get the ball up in the air and prevent it from rolling too much.

Common mistakes when hitting a draw

The most common mistake that golfers make when trying to hit a draw is swinging too far inside out. This causes the club to come across the ball from the outside in, resulting in a slice. To hit a draw, you need to swing the club from the inside out with a slightly open clubface. This will cause the ball to start out left of your target and then curve back towards the hole.

Another common mistake is not rotating your hips enough. This can cause you to hit the ball with a closed clubface, which will also result in a slice. To hit a draw, you need to rotate your hips through the shot so that your left hip is pointing towards the target at impact. This will help you to square the clubface and hit the ball with a draw.

Finally, many golfers make the mistake of trying to hit a draw with too much power. This can cause you to lose control of the shot and hit the ball off-line. To hit a draw, you need to swing the club smoothly and with a controlled tempo. This will help you to hit the ball accurately and with the desired amount of draw.

Tips for hitting a draw

A great way to start practicing a draw is with a large bucket of range balls. Head to a practice range and hit dozens of balls. Try to think about hitting the ball on the inside (right for right-handers, left for left-handers). Don't get discouraged if you don't have immediate success. With enough practice, you will be hitting fades with ease.

As you begin to make solid contact with some of your shots, you can start to experiment with different ball positions. Move the ball slightly forward or backward and see what happens. You may find that a certain ball position helps you draw the ball more consistently.

Once you have a good understanding of how to hit a draw, you can start to use it on the golf course. A well-hit draw can be a great way to avoid hazards or shape shots around trees. With practice, you can become a skilled drawer of the golf ball.

Troubleshooting a draw

One of the most common issues with a draw is that it can lead to a loss of distance. This is because a draw will cause the ball to curve to the left, which can mean that it will not travel as far as it would if it were hit straight. Also, if a draw is too severe, it can cause the ball to slice, which can make it even more difficult to control.

Another potential issue with a draw is that it can make it more difficult to hit the ball in the desired direction. This is because a draw will cause the ball to curve to the left, which means that it will not be as likely to go straight. If a player is trying to hit the ball to the right, a draw will make it more difficult to do so.

The cause of most of the above problems is related to the swing path. If the swing path is too outside-in, then the club will swing across the ball from the outside-in direction, making it difficult to hit the ball straight.

To correct the above problems, it is important to make sure that the club is swinging on the correct path. The club should be swung from the inside-out direction, which will help to create a draw. It is also important to make sure that the club is making contact with the ball at the correct point. The club should be striking the ball at the center, which will help to create a draw.


Mastering the draw shot in golf requires a combination of proper technique, consistent practice, and understanding the mechanics of the swing. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can develop the skills necessary to execute this shot effectively. Remember to focus on maintaining a relaxed grip, aligning your body correctly, and swinging smoothly through the ball. With dedication and practice, you can incorporate the draw shot into your game and improve your overall performance on the course.

As you continue to practice the draw shot, pay attention to the feedback provided by the ball's flight. Analyze the trajectory, distance, and curvature to make adjustments to your technique. With each repetition, you will refine your swing and gain a deeper understanding of how to control the ball's movement. Embrace the learning process and enjoy the satisfaction of hitting a well-executed draw shot.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to set up for a draw?

To set up for a draw, you will want to align your body and clubface slightly to the right of your target. This will help to promote an in-to-out swing path, which is necessary for hitting a draw.

What is the best swing path for a draw?

The best swing path for a draw is an in-to-out swing path. This means that the club should travel from inside the target line to outside the target line during the downswing.

What is the best club to use for a draw?

The best club to use for a draw is a club with a lot of loft. This will help to create the necessary backspin to curve the ball to the right.

What is the best way to practice hitting a draw?

The best way to practice hitting a draw is to start by hitting short shots with a pitching wedge or sand wedge. Once you have a feel for the swing, you can start to hit longer shots with other clubs.


To hit a draw in golf, you need to swing the club with an outside-in path and hit the ball on the upswing. This will cause the ball to curve to the right (for a right-handed golfer).

It is important to practice hitting a draw so that you can control the ball's flight and hit it accurately. You can practice by hitting balls at a target or by playing on a golf course.

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